Unlearn what you have learned

Drop your guard. 
Be bold and unlearn what you have learned.
Break free from the dis-serviced habits that are bound to repeat.
Take time to heal your inner and outer world - As this creates new pathways for ourselves, the younger generations and the world they will hold.

                                                      - Diane Lizarraga

There's no doubt that we default and go back to our safety zone which is what we know. We stay with what is familiar and comfortable - we want to fit in, we want to be accepted. As soon as we feel uncomfortable our confidence goes out the window our self doubt kicks in. We don't want to shake the status quo. We don't want to break traditions. However, this stunts us. It keeps us from expanding ourselves. We grow to know ourselves by what's outside of us, what surrounds us, what we see, what others see, their perception and our perception. But if we look past the surface - our roles, profession, labels, cultural identities etc, and begin peeling away the layers we carry - we are simply human and no different than any other human on this planet. We are designed to test and fail, learn and unlearn, change and repeat.


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